Libby Shilstone

Aerial and Acrobatic Trainer - Performer

Libby was born and raised in London. Originally trained as a gymnast from the age of 6, she competed in an international competition in Malta and all over England until she was 14. She then transitioned into acrobatic gymnastics and was part of a women’s trio for 3 years. Towards the end of her gymnastics career Libby completed a gymnastics coaching course and achieved her level one coaching qualification.

She started her first job aged 16 and has been coaching gymnastics for nearly 3 years, and has worked at different clubs, gaining valuable experience. Aged 18, Libby started going to aerial straps classes in order to expand her talents and transition into the circus world. Straps has inspired Libby to continue her circus journey and she is about to embark on the full time training course here at AirCraft Circus Academy. Alongside Libby's training, she also teaches here on our youth circus programmes.